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Preparation for birth and beyond is a big undertaking. We streamline the process for you by providing evidence-based information on all your options, talking it through, and offering a listening ear as you come to your own decisions. We pride ourselves on remaining up to date on the current standards of care.


CREATING YOUR BIRTH PLAN 101                    $200

Private, 2-hour workshop in your home. Current, evidence-based educational session and expert guidance in creating your unique birth plan.



MOVING THROUGH LABOR                              $250

Learn and practice techniques to cope with labor at every stage. Especially helpful for first-time birthers and those seeking unmedicated birth.



POSTPARTUM PREP INTENSIVE                       $250

Expert guidance as you plan for your best start with baby. Two-part workshop with a focus on recovery and healing, adjusting to life with a newborn, and gathering a support system. 

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